K. M. Peterson

Who I am

I live in Brookline, Massachusetts. Brookline (originally called "Muddy River, A Part of Boston") does border the city of Boston. In 2002, I moved to the Brookline Village area from North Brookline, where I lived for many years. Contact Info | Photo Gallery | PGP Key

I'm married to Jan Aceti, formerly of Arlington and Cambridge. Wedding Site

What I do

I work in the areas of IT Infrastructure for the AVOKE Analytics, part of West Corp. (previously a business  of BBN – Raytheon BBN Technologies) – with responsibilities for architecture, systems, networks, and storage.  My duties also cover the related topics such as security and compliance, monitoring, telephony, and data centers. Resume | Blog

Prior to this, I was engaged in consulting and working on special projects in areas such as cloud systems and security.  Previously, I was Senior Director of Information Technology at Basis Technology Corporation, in Cambridge, a firm providing solutions for the analysis of text-based information in Asian, European and Middle-Eastern languages. Other roles included Information Technology managerment at John Snow, Inc. and World Education in Boston, after 8 years at the Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for Genome Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Genome Center is now the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard; I was the Manager of the Computer Systems Operations group. I also spent time as a consultant working for MIT's Network Security Team, part of Information Systems at MIT.

My hobbies include reading, writing, and design - I'm a freelance photographer. I'm interested in food, the arts, and cities. I've also worked in several positions as a volunteer for WBUR in Boston including producing fundraising programming for Car Talk, and as a instructional assistant at Notre Dame Education Center in Boston. I'm currently a Trustee of the Stanton Condominium of Brookline.

Where I've Been

I was a undergraduate student at Boston University full-time from 1977 to 1978. I then went to work for the Boston University School of Medicine until 1981. I worked for Henco Software, the Savings Management Computer Corporation, Frey Associates [all these companies are defunct, absorbed into other organizations, or otherwise deceased], Data Resources, Inc., Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Prime Computer [defunct], Computervision [defunct], and Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

In the meantime, I returned to Boston University in 1987. I was a part time student at Metropolitan College at BU in the Philosophy department until I graduated in 1993. My area of interest was Ethics and Moral Theory - although most of the classes I took in my area were taken at Harvard University Extension School.

I was born in Berwyn, Pennsylvania, and lived there until 1977. My parents were Pete Peterson and Joan Peterson who lived in Savannah, Georgia for many years.

This site

This is my personal/professional website. The personal stuff includes pictures and the like; there are also references to my professional life.

The primary aim of this site is to allow my friends, colleagues, and family to "keep up" with what I'm doing.